Founder's Award
3500 Club Founder's Award
The Founder's Award is a scholarship established by the Club to encourage members to attend training to improve their hike leader skills. It is also intended to recruit new hike leaders.
The scholarship will reimburse you for 75% of the tuition of any training course geared toward outdoor leadership or hiking skills up to a maximum of $150. The scholarship does not reimburse travel related costs. One requirement for award winners is that they have led 4 club hikes within two years of completing the training.
Suitable training courses might include wilderness first aid, outdoor leadership training or off-trail navigation. If in doubt, please ask.
The following steps should be performed to qualify for an award:
Email the Outings Chair
If you're not already a hike leader, determine your eligibility to become one
Verify that the training course is appropriate
Register for the course
Upon completion of the training, retain receipt and proof of successful completion.
Lead at least 4 Club hikes within two years of completing the course, and submit hike waivers in a timely manner
After leading at least 4 Club hikes, request reimbursement via the Outings Chair, providing:
Receipt for course
Proof of course completion
List of hikes led, matching the submitted hike waivers
For more information or if you have any questions, please email the Outings Chair