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Michael Bongar


Lori Herpen

Vice President

Colin DeVries


Christopher Hummel


Director Emeritus

Mike Doehring

Director Emeritus

Committee Chairs

Sharon Klein and Roger Green

Outings Co-Chairs

Michael Bongar and Mike Doehring

Annual Dinner Co-Chairs

Chris Adams

Aspirants Chair

Jim Bouton

Canister Maintenance Chair

Jake Haisley

Catskill Mountain Search & Rescue Chair

Lyn Walker

Assistant CMSAR Chair

Lori Herpen

Finance Chair

Michael Bongar and Colleen Hardcastle

Fundraising Co-Chairs

David White

Membership Chair

Chris Adams

Assistant to the Membership Chair

Jack Walker

Newsletter Editor

Julie McGuire and Colin Devries

Newsletter Co-Chairs

Michael Bongar

New York New Jersey Trail Conference Representative

Yanny Hecht

Outings Chair

Christina DePinto & Maria Orchard

Outings Assistants

Lori Herpen

Social Media Chair

Jim Bouton and Maria Bedo-Calhoun

Stewardship & Conservation Co-Chairs

Lourdes Sonera

Trail Maintenance Chair

Lourdes Sonera & Colleen Hardcastle

Trail Steward Program Co-Chairs

Jack Walker


Maria Bedo-Calhoun

Website Chair

Sharon Klein

Winter Weekend Chair

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