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Catskill 3500 Membership Tally Sheet

Anyone wishing to become a member must hike the 33 designated peaks on the tally list (in any season) and then climb Slide, Blackhead, Balsam and Panther mountains again in winter. To become a winter member, hikers must climb all 33 designated mountains between December 21 and March 21. Please select either "regular" or "winter" membership under "membership type" to select the proper patch. For winter membership, there is no need to fill out the separate "Winter Peaks Info" section. In the "notes" section for each peak, please enter details about your hike, such as other hikers, weather, trail conditions, starting/ending trailhead, etc. 

Because of the closure of Doubletop and Graham to the public, our tally list has changed from the original list of 35 to the current 33. More information on that can be found here


Hikers should make every effort to locate and sign the canister notebook on the summit of the following 14 peaks: Southwest Hunter, Lone, Big Indian, Friday, Rusk, Kaaterskill High Peak, Fir, Balsam Cap, North Dome, Eagle, Sherrill, Vly, Halcott, and Rocky. Signing in provides a record of your accomplishment, can aid in Search and Rescue situations, and provides use information for DEC to advocate for funds for the Catskill Forest Preserve.

When you submit the below form, a copy will be sent to our membership chair, who will be in touch with you to follow up on your application. Upon successful submission, you will be directed to the Dues page.

Basic Info

Peaks Info

Winter Peaks Info

Required for regular membership!
Slide, Blackhead, Panther, and Balsam must be climbed twice,
at least once in winter (December 21 and March 21).

(NOTE: Below questions will not be visible if you selected "winter" membership) 

Preferences Info

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